The Best Wallet for Lots of Cards

Some people can get by with just a few cards and a bit of cash for their daily lives, like a go-to credit card and ID, but others might need to carry more. If you’re someone who likes to have all their loyalty cards with them or uses a combination of debit and credit cards throughout the day, you’ll need a little bit more room in your wallet. Thankfully, carrying more cards doesn’t mean you have to have a big bulky wallet, Ekster offers slim carry solutions that can accommodate lots of cards without taking up too much space. Here are some of the best wallets with lots of cards from Ekster that let you carry everything you need.

man removing card from a green aluminum card holder wallet

Wallets that hold a lot of cards don’t need to be bulky

It’s a myth that you need a huge bifold wallet to carry all the cards you need. Older wallet models like the classic bifold typically have the same carry capacity as newer, slimmer models but take up way more space. At Ekster, we make wallets that can carry up to 15 cards and cash while still fitting comfortably in any pocket, like the Aluminum Cardholder.

two carbon fiber card holder wallets lying next to eachother on a concrete background.

How to find wallets with lots of card slots that aren’t too bulky

When searching for wallets with lots of card slots, look for ones that have an innovative design that make the most out of a small amount of space. By stacking cards vertically without material between them, Ekster’s slim card holder wallets, like the Carbon Fiber Cardholder, allow you to carry lots of cards without becoming heavy or bulky.

Man removing card from a brown leather card holder wallet.

Small wallet with lots of card slots: The Senate

If you’re looking for a leather wallet with lots of card slots, the Senate Wallet is the choice for you. This fast-access card holder wallet can hold 12+ cards in a tiny amount of space. This wallet with lots of card slots also has a fast-action trigger button that lets you access cards at the click of a button. This way, even if you wallet is filled with cards you can find just the one you need quickly and easily without digging through your wallet.

Man removing card from a blue aluminum card holder wallet.

Best Wallet for lots of cards: The Aluminum Cardholder

The best wallet for lots of cards from Ekster has to be the Aluminum Cardholder. This wallet for lots of cards has the highest carry capacity of any Ekster wallet thanks its expandable backplate. This metal backplate is attached with ultra-resistant elastic that offers better accommodation for all the cards you need without becoming too thick. Plus, the Aluminum Cardholder also has a fast-access trigger button so you can grab just the card you need at the click of a button.

Man removing a card from a carbon fiber card holder wallet.

Shop Wallets with lots of card slots at Ekster

All of Ekster’s wallets are designed to fit the most amount of cards into the smallest amount of space without sacrificing security or comfort. Our slim RFID wallets with lots of card slots can hold 12-15 cards depending on the model and offer RFID protection for your 6 more sensitive cards, like credit and debit cards, so you can move through the world with peace of mind. Shop all our slim wallets with lots of card slots today to stop wasting space with a bulky old bifold and still carry everything you need.

About Ekster

Here at Ekster, we're in the business of making your life easier.

We started with upgrading the traditional leather wallet, making it easier to use and harder to lose. Now, we're taking on the rest of your essentials to make each day easier for you.

Learn more about Ekster

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